Securing payments in the craft sector - minimize risk with trustee Bauster

Julian Wiedenhaus



2 mins

Payment default risks in the craft sector

Unfortunately, payment defaults are not uncommon in the skilled trades, as there is never a guarantee that the client will actually have the necessary order amount. "The larger the order, the higher the financial risk, because materials and work are provided in advance and whether the respective client will then pay is unfortunately only revealed after the work has been completed," explains Dennis Betzing, founder and managing director of the online portal The platform was launched as a solution to this problem, which can drive craft businesses into insolvency under certain circumstances.

Security through an insolvency-proof account

With the escrow solutions on offer, orders can be secured independently and very simply by your customers depositing the agreed order amount in advance in an insolvency-proof escrow account. The escrow account is managed by a payment service provider, in this case Mangopay. Mangopay has proven itself for years on the "Vinted" portal - formerly Kleiderkreisel - and ensures a secure and smooth purchase transaction between people who do not know each other. Thanks to the real-time money transfer, the costs for materials or work can always be settled immediately.

Convincing advantages for craft businesses

Work without advance performance risk

As the order amount is deposited in full before work begins and is tied to your work, you can make advance payments without hesitation. Without your consent, the client can no longer dispose of the money in any other way.

Immediate payment of invoices

Thanks to the real-time money transfer function, the client can pay partial invoices immediately after the invoice has been issued using the money deposited there. If the customer pays as planned, materials can be installed without hesitation, for example, or the next construction phase can begin without delay. However, if the customer does not pay the invoice, you will be informed immediately and any material that has not yet been installed can still be returned. So no matter how things go, there is no risk for your company.

100% entrepreneurial freedom

You alone decide whether the protection is used for an entire order or only for a part of it. This means that orders can also be easily combined with an advance payment and only the outstanding balance is covered.

Meaningful evaluation

Reviews are a great tool to give customers and business partners transparency and more security by reporting on past business. As a craftsman's business listed with Bauster, you will receive a detailed evaluation after a successfully completed job, including the order amount. This makes it much easier for future customers to assess your range of services and you will receive more inquiries that really suit your business.


Craftsmen handle large sums of money — partly through their own work and, of course, through the price of the materials, over which you ultimately have no influence. It's definitely worth making sure that you don't get stuck at your expense!

Contact person:

Dennis Betzing
06722 - 41 92 80

Bauster GmbH
Breslauer Strasse 2
D-65366 Geisenheim

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