The simple craftsman software for master students

Are you a master’s apprentice?
Use Plancraft for free!

Apply now

Start effortlessly while you're still in master school.

The founder's Booster: plancraft’s commitment to new business founders!

We’re dedicated to easing the path for founders and master apprentice by providing access to our premium software. Starting a business can be costly, which is why we’re here to lend a hand.

Get plancraft at no cost from your preparation phase right through to passing your master exam.

How it works


Use our form to quickly and easily upload your documents and apply!


We will check your data and get back to you as soon as possible!


You have been accepted and can start immediately. We will go through the software with you and set it up together for a perfect start.

Apply now

Why plancraft for master apprentices?

Get started easily, right in school.

Plancraft provides the perfect foundation for your future in the craft industry. Even without prior experience, you can use plancraft directly in your master school and gain valuable hands-on experience with modern craft software from day one.

Stammdaten Materialien

You choose Your tools.

With plancraft, you have the freedom to use your craft software on the device of your choice. Whether it's a PC, tablet, or smartphone, you decide which device suits you best. This way, even during your apprentice course, you have full control over your work processes and can focus entirely on your master training.

Stammdaten Leistungen

The perfect foundation for future success

With plancraft, you lay the groundwork for building your successful craft business during your master training. The intuitive interface and versatile functions of the software help you efficiently organize your projects and tasks. By continuously using it during your training, you become proficient with the software, enabling a seamless transition into your future business. Plancraft provides you with the ideal foundation for a successful start in your professional craft career.

Stammdaten Preiskalkulation

Apply now

Fill out the form now and start your future with plancraft. Our team of experts is happy to answer any questions you may have and help you get started successfully with Plancraft.

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Ben Andresen

Lebenswerk Raumentfaltung one-man business

Ben Andresen

"Plancraft has significantly boosted my efficiency and improved customer satisfaction. Having a clear overview of my expenses and the ability to manage projects remotely has simplified my daily tasks. What impressed me the most is how plancraft supported me throughout my growth journey. I was able to streamline my processes and build a robust foundation for my business."

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Do you still have unanswered questions?

Whether you're already a customer or not, if you have any questions about the process, we're happy to take the time you need.

Just get in touch with us, we're looking forward to it!