Updates July 2021

New: Switch to direct debit, security deposit: charged payment amount, title to recipient & greeting, improvement of stationery quality

Lukas Bartels

3 minutes


Aktualisiert am:



1. Switch to direct debit
2. Security deposit: charged payment amount is shown
3. Salutation in the recipient & the greeting
4. Improving stationery quality

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#1 Switch to direct debit

From now on, it is possible to pay Plancraft via direct debit as a payment method. This has the advantage that your monthly/annual payments to Plancraft are automatic — in the end, less work for you. To switch, simply go to Settings/ Workspace/ Set up Direct Debit.

This is how you switch to direct debit.

#2 Security deposit: charged payment amount is shown

As you already know, you can include a security deposit in your invoices. What is new is that Plancraft deducts this from the invoice amount and now shows you the payment amount after deducting the security deposit on an extra line. Not only practical for you, but also for your customers!

The extra line shows the payment amount after deducting the security deposit.

#3 Salutation in the recipient & the greeting

If you don't know your customer's first name or it is irrelevant to you, you can simply store his/her last name in the contact. So that the recipient area of your document does not just say “Mustermann” but “Mr. Mustermann”, we have added the title to the recipient field. You can set these in the respective contact.

The title is now also in the recipient field.

In addition, there is now automatically Use the correct salutation to greet your customers in the document. This means that the “Dear” automatically adapts to Mr/Mrs. and adds the last name.

The correct salutation in the letter is now done automatically in Plancraft.

#4 Improving stationery quality

You can upload your own stationery under Settings/Layout. From now on, this will be available in better quality. If you have already stored stationery in Plancraft, remove it once and upload it again.

The quality of stationery has improved.

Do you have any other product questions or feedback? Feel free to send us an e-mail to: support@plancraft.de

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