Create and manage your own project status

This week, we'll show you how you can create your own project status.

Johannes Baur

2 mins


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You've recently been able to assign a status to your projects in Plancraft. To make your work as easy as possible, we have already created a number of statuses for you. Of course, you can edit them. Or you can create completely new ones. We'll show you how it works!

Here's how it works:

1. Click “Edit Status”

2. Rename, rebuild, change order & more

A window opens that offers you the following functions:

  1. Change order via drag & drop
  2. Rename, delete, change color
  3. New status

“New status” example

Rename, delete, and change color


Have fun trying it out! Do you have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to write to us at:

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