product updates

This has changed in the last 4 weeks!

We are pleased to introduce you to the latest features and improvements to our plancraft office application. With these updates, we make your life in the office easier and enable you to do your work even more efficiently.

1. Filter projects by team member 💡

You can now filter your projects not only by status, but also by team member. Use this filter to organize your employees' assignments more easily and quickly.

2. Improvement of the Excel export for working times ⏱

We have modified the Excel export for working hours. We have moved the "Type" column, converted the "Hours" column to the "Number" format and added the "Hours per day" column. With these changes you can use more functions in Excel (e.g. add up the hours). We have also made the same changes to the CSV export.

3. Redesign of the settings ⚙️

With the new navigation bar, you can now find your way around the settings more quickly!

We have mainly focused on displaying only relevant information and making the settings compact and clear.

These adjustments are the most relevant:

Preview on letterhead

From now on, the preview will always be displayed in the stationery settings. If you edit the data, it will also be changed directly in the preview. You can now also adjust margins and spacing yourself.

DATEV export for invoices

From now on, the DATEV export can no longer be found in the settings, but directly in the invoice overview. This means you can make the settings you need directly before downloading your invoices.

Verbesserungen in der mobilen App 📱

Ob Kunden, Material oder Leistungen - dank plancraft alles stets griffbereit auf deinem Handy oder Tablet. Bleibe immer auf dem neusten Stand, um auch mobil bestens ausgerüstet zu sein.

Weitere Verbesserungen

Wir möchten auch die neuesten kleinen Verbesserungen in Plancraft nicht unerwähnt lassen. Diese weiteren nützlichen Verbesserungen holen das letzte bisschen an Einfachheit im Büro für dich heraus und tragen dazu bei, dass deine Arbeitsabläufe noch reibungsloser verlaufen.

Try it now, experience the joy.

Plancraft saves time, is super easy to learn, and offers many great features. Get started and gain more time for your craft.
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