product updates

This has changed in the last 4 weeks!

We are pleased to introduce you to the latest features and improvements to our plancraft office application. With these updates, we make your life in the office easier and enable you to do your work even more efficiently.

Planning board: Plan teams, copy assignments faster and filter by project 🧑 ‍ 🤝 ‍ 🧑

Create, edit, and delete teams.

You can now create teams to better plan your assignments.

Click on the plus icon next to Teams, name the team, and add team members. You can swap team members, delete teams, and change the team name at any time. The assignments and absences that have already been planned remain assigned to employees.

Copy inserts faster via drag & drop

With the mouse pressed, drag an employee's assignment into another employee's line. Save time when planning multiple employees.

Filter by projects

So that you have a better overview of your planned assignments, you can now filter by projects. This means that you only see the project after you have filtered in the planning board.

If you want to know more about the planning board, click here.

Enumerations & numbered lists in documents 🔢

To structure the texts in your documents even better, you can now create enumerations and numbered lists. Use the lists in all positions, master data or initial & final texts.

Here's how it works: Mark your text and select the appropriate icon in the text editor. Alternatively, you can simply write “1.” to start a numbered list or a hyphen “-” for a list.

If you want to learn more about documents, click here.

Images in master data 🖼️

You can now add images to your materials and services to use your master data more efficiently. This works just as easily as in the editor: Click on the “Add image” button and upload an image by clicking or dragging and dropping.

The search results in the editor show you when a material or service includes an image. This is also true when you search the locations of documents.

If you want to learn more about master data, click here.

Verbesserungen in der mobilen App 📱

Ob Kunden, Material oder Leistungen - dank plancraft alles stets griffbereit auf deinem Handy oder Tablet. Bleibe immer auf dem neusten Stand, um auch mobil bestens ausgerüstet zu sein.

Weitere Verbesserungen

Wir möchten auch die neuesten kleinen Verbesserungen in Plancraft nicht unerwähnt lassen. Diese weiteren nützlichen Verbesserungen holen das letzte bisschen an Einfachheit im Büro für dich heraus und tragen dazu bei, dass deine Arbeitsabläufe noch reibungsloser verlaufen.

Try it now, experience the joy.
Plancraft saves time, is super easy to learn, and offers many great features. Get started and gain more time for your craft.
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