product updates

This has changed in the last 4 weeks!

We are pleased to introduce you to the latest features and improvements to our plancraft office application. With these updates, we make your life in the office easier and enable you to do your work even more efficiently.

1. New display of document save status ☁️

When editing documents, you can now see the current save status in the top bar.

This is what the storage statuses mean:

  • "Being saved": The document is being saved at this moment.
  • "Saved": Your document is securely stored in our cloud.
  • "Unsaved changes": There are still unsaved texts or positions in the editor.

To avoid errors, we show you a message window if you try to finalize a document even though there are still unsaved changes. If you save everything, you can finish your document as usual.

2. Connecting organizations and contacts 💁🏽‍♂️

From now on you can link contacts, whether individuals or organizations.

3. Extended filter option in time list ⏱️

We have revised the "Type" filter in the times so that you can now select multiple types of attendances or absences to better personalize your view of the times.

4. Improved process when finalizing documents ✅

To improve the process of checking and finalizing documents in the editor, we have adapted the finalization process. Before finalizing, we now always show you a preview so that you can finalize your document with confidence.

In addition, we have better labeled the functions of the toolbar so that you can find your desired functions even more quickly and easily.

You will also find all the options for downloading your finished documents in a single button.

5. Extra office license bookable 📦

From now on, you can personalize your subscription even further by adding extra office licenses to your subscription. As a new customer, you can simply adjust the number of licenses in the selected subscription to suit your company. If you are already a customer, you can add an additional office license in the settings when adding new employees.

Verbesserungen in der mobilen App 📱

Ob Kunden, Material oder Leistungen - dank plancraft alles stets griffbereit auf deinem Handy oder Tablet. Bleibe immer auf dem neusten Stand, um auch mobil bestens ausgerüstet zu sein.

1. Reminder for time recording

From now on, your employees will receive a reminder at the end of the working day to record their time in the mobile app if they have not yet recorded any time for the day. This notification can be switched on and off in the settings.

2. Faster access to documents

All projects have a new "Files" tab, which office users can use to access all documents such as quotations and invoices.

3. Copy and share project information

The project information can now be copied in the mobile app and shared in the chat, for example.

Weitere Verbesserungen

Wir möchten auch die neuesten kleinen Verbesserungen in Plancraft nicht unerwähnt lassen. Diese weiteren nützlichen Verbesserungen holen das letzte bisschen an Einfachheit im Büro für dich heraus und tragen dazu bei, dass deine Arbeitsabläufe noch reibungsloser verlaufen.

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