product updates

This has changed in the last 4 weeks!

We are pleased to introduce you to the latest features and improvements to our plancraft office application. With these updates, we make your life in the office easier and enable you to do your work even more efficiently.

1. Structure of the Planning Board

The planning board consists of both a project planning as well as from a Scheduling for your employees.

2. Project planning in the office

The project planning gives you a complete overview of all current and upcoming projects over time. Projects are often planned or earmarked with a little more lead time, e.g. for the next few months or even for the whole year.

Add projects

There are two ways to add projects to the planning board.

Directly via the planning board

You can add projects directly via the plus symbol on the planning board. To do this, a) select an existing project from the project list or b) create a new one.

About the project list

You can also add projects to the planning board via the project list. It is important that you enter a start and end date.

Move projects

Projects can easily be moved using drag & drop, but can also be extended and shortened.

3. Scheduling in the office

With assignment planning, you can assign projects to your employees so that you always know exactly who is currently on which construction site. Assignments are usually planned at somewhat shorter notice, e.g. 1-2 weeks in advance.

Add inserts

You plan assignments by dragging and dropping a project from the first column of the planning board to the bottom right of an employee's timeline.

Application description

You can open and edit assignments with one click. Here you can enter a short job description for your employees, which they can then view on their smartphone (see "Employees on the construction site").

Move inserts

Like projects, assignments can be moved, extended or shortened using drag & drop. Take another look above under "Move projects".


If a team member records an absence (e.g. vacation or sick days) via time recording, this is automatically displayed in the planning board.

5. Try the Planning Board for free

We will be happy to advise you individually at 040 328902430 or

6. Give Feedback

As always, we look forward to your feedback. You can simply leave it directly on the planning board page. Thank you very much!

Verbesserungen in der mobilen App 📱

Ob Kunden, Material oder Leistungen - dank plancraft alles stets griffbereit auf deinem Handy oder Tablet. Bleibe immer auf dem neusten Stand, um auch mobil bestens ausgerüstet zu sein.

Weitere Verbesserungen

Wir möchten auch die neuesten kleinen Verbesserungen in Plancraft nicht unerwähnt lassen. Diese weiteren nützlichen Verbesserungen holen das letzte bisschen an Einfachheit im Büro für dich heraus und tragen dazu bei, dass deine Arbeitsabläufe noch reibungsloser verlaufen.

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Plancraft saves time, is super easy to learn, and offers many great features. Get started and gain more time for your craft.
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