Updates in August 2021

Major financial update: finally automatic invoice status, a new detail page for invoices, improved financial overview. AND: Copy/transfer measurements. #gehtlos

Lukas Bartels

2 minutes


Aktualisiert am:



  1. Details page for invoices and automatic status
  2. Improved financial overview in invoice list
  3. Transfer dimensions

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In August, we worked diligently on new features again. In addition to an extension of the measurement feature, your beloved, profitable Invoice list received the fattest update. 🔥

#1 - Details page for invoices and automatic status

Invoice detail page

Do you still remember the small window in which you used to enter your payments received? Probably yes, because it only disappeared a few days ago. It was replaced by a brand-new one Invoice detail page. 💅🏼

This consists roughly of two parts - one general area (status, recipient, total amount, etc.) and a Payment area.

In the payment area, you enter your payments received as well as the discount and security deposit if they were withdrawn by the customer. For final invoices, you can finally find payment information about previous deductions here. 💸

The new detail page consists of a general area and the payment area.

Automatic payment status

In the past, you changed the status of the invoices yourself. You clicked on the status and from overtly upon payed asked. From now on, that's yesterday's snow. ❄️

Plancraft now completely automates this status. The only thing you have to do is enter your payments you have received, as well as any cash discount and security deposit, on the new detail page in the payment area. Plancraft will then automatically show you whether the invoice is still overtly, already complete payed or overdue is. The small lock also shows you whether your customer has withheld a security deposit. 💁🏽 ‍ ♂️

The payment status of your invoice is now completely automated.

#2 - Improved financial overview in invoice list

Also new to the invoice list: A Outstanding receivables column as well as a Overview of paid and outstanding receivables within the filtered time period.

The former helps you quickly identify which customer you should send a payment reminder or the next reminder. The latter gives you, among other things, an overview of your total income over a specific period of time. 💰

The new features help you keep a better overview of your finances.

#3 - Transfer measurements

Sometimes you need the same measurement for different positions, e.g. if you first have to prime the customer's walls and then wallpaper them. Thanks to the new feature, you can Simply transfer dimensions. ↔️

Transfer an existing measurement to a new position.

Do you have any other product questions or feedback? Feel free to send us an e-mail to: support@plancraft.de

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