Updates in June 2021

New: Sales shown in the invoice list, reminders and payment reminders. And lots of small improvements!

Lukas Bartels

3 minutes


Aktualisiert am:



1. Sales in the invoice list
2. Reminders and payment reminders
3. Minor improvements

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#1 Sales in invoice list

Yeah! You can finally check your sales at a glance. Invoice corrections are, of course, deducted and deductions are calculated accordingly.

#2 Reminders and payment reminders

What do I do if the customer doesn't pay and the invoice is past due? Of course, you write reminders or a payment reminder. Simply download a payment reminder or reminder automatically generated by Plancraft and send it to your customer. You can download reminders via the invoice list or via the project using the 3 points.

Prerequisite: You must set the status of the invoice to “past due” via the invoice list.

In the settings under “Preferences”, you can set payment terms, default interest and reminder fees.

#3 Minor improvements

Get to PDF faster

The new, better PDF viewer in Plancraft ensures that the PDF preview for documents is now significantly faster than before. Eeefinally!

7% sales expensive

Do you sell firewood or construction water? Congratulations, set 7% sales tax now.

Duplicate letters

Duplicate letters in the project about the 3 points.

Add line in size via Enter

And last but not least, a tip for all measurement professionals:

On any line within the measurement in the formula field, click “Enter” (on your keyboard) and add a new line. This makes it easier for you to make corrections later on. We all forget something!

Do you have any other product questions or feedback? Feel free to send us an e-mail to: support@plancraft.de

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