Plancraft Creator Family

Exemplary, creative, digital -
The plancraft creator family.

Plancraft stands for modern, simple software, that much is clear. In addition, Plancraft is not just the next “software company” among many. Driven by our core values, we want to stand for #zusammenhalt, #begeisterung and #bodenständigkeit in particular. Together with our creators, we are accompanying crafts into the digital world.

Our creatos.

Malermeister Andy

Malermeister Andy - Andy - Mr. Handwerk 2020 - has been part of our Creator Family for a year now. We noticed him because of his paperless office. His signature style includes high-quality weekly videos showcasing the daily life of a master painter. We've even had the pleasure of appearing in some of his videos. We're thrilled to support Andy with Plancraft as his software of choice. Andy is a well-known name in the German painting industry. We are very proud and happy to have Andy as our first partner on board.

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Malermeister Andy Hansen

Malermeister Marcus Fasott

The life of a master painter is anything but monotonous" - Marcus captures this brilliantly, authentically, and creatively. The master painter from Ludwigshafen has gone viral with several of his Reels. Whether he's painting a ceiling with an airless sprayer or showcasing a creative plastering technique, his smartphone camera is always close by. Managing social media on the side can be quite stressful, and we applaud Marcus for handling it so well. Marcus wanted to become desk-independent, and Plancraft was the perfect fit. Even better, it suited both sides. Now Marcus can write quotes and invoices from his couch. We are proud and delighted to welcome Marcus to the Creator Family! Great to have you here!

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Malermeister Marcus Fasott

Franklin von den Sons of Art

The term "Art" – or "Kunst" in German – captures it perfectly. Every wall Franklin and his team design is a one-of-a-kind creation. Their unique technique is called Wall-Art. Plain wallpaper is outdated; Franklin offers unique designs. Each project is executed with immense passion and dedication. We're always astonished by the creativity in Franklin's new Reels. Franklin also sought to simplify his office operations, and our Creator Denis Fiedler facilitated the connection. The outcome? Plancraft and Franklin are a perfect fit! We couldn't be prouder to have another extraordinary painter join us alongside Denis!

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Franklin von den Sons of Art

Denis Fiedler

Denis, also known as Denis in Action, stands for extraordinary techniques from the painter's craft. He approached us seeking a modern and easy-to-use craftsman software. After trying it out and being impressed, Denis decided to come on board. Equipped with our straightforward software, we are proud to have Denis as part of our Creator Family.

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Denis Fiedler

Tobis Handcraft

On Tobi's channel, you'll find a hub of crafting, tinkering, and building. From decor projects and furniture construction to lighting designs and more, Tobi showcases a wide range of creative projects. He was also looking for easy-to-use craftsman software. After getting to know each other, we realized it was a perfect fit. We look forward to what we will achieve together. We are proud and excited to have Tobi as part of our Creator Family. Welcome aboard, Tobi!

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Tobis Handcraft

Malermeister Bienek

Martin is a full-time father of three and a dedicated self-employed master painter with heart and passion. His ability to also maintain an Instagram presence is incredibly impressive to us, time and again. We are especially pleased to help Martin free up precious time for his family. We are thankful for Martin's trust and are proud to have him as a member of our Creator Family.

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Logo Conbato GmbH - Plancraft Partner

Kreativ Tobi

Cutting-edge and youthful craftsmanship – that's what master painter Tobias Haubner, aka Kreativtobi, is all about. We couldn't pass up the chance to meet him. Tobi stands for the new generation in the trade, seamlessly integrating digital tools like laptops, tablets, and smartphones into his work. The young master painter from southern Germany is now a proud member of the Plancraft Creator Family. We're delighted to assist Tobi in simplifying his office work with Plancraft.

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Kreativ Tobi

Echtholz Träume

"Just do it" - a phrase we know well. It's also the motto of Lukas and Michelle. They represent unique and, in our opinion, incredible projects. At first glance, it's obvious: their work is full of heart and passion. They share this passion on Instagram with the same enthusiasm. They take you along to their daily projects, whether in the workshop or on-site with clients, making you feel part of the action. We were excited when they inquired about simple craftsman software. Our excitement grew when, after the second conversation, it was clear: Echtholz Träume and Plancraft are a perfect fit! We are proud to welcome Lukas and Michelle as the first couple in the Creator Family. Great to have you with us!

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Logo Conbato GmbH - Plancraft Partner

Do you want to be a part of our creator family?

What are you waiting for? Feel free to write to us!

Marie Glausch