product updates

This has changed in the last 4 weeks!

We are pleased to introduce you to the latest features and improvements to our plancraft office application. With these updates, we make your life in the office easier and enable you to do your work even more efficiently.

1. Filter projects by "Start date" 🤓

Projects can now also be filtered by start date. In this example, only projects that start in January 2024 are displayed.

The start and end of projects can be stored in the project details.

💡 Did you know that projects are automatically displayed in the planning board as soon as you set a start and end date?

2. Improved documentation of photos and files 📸

Upload images in better quality

You can upload larger images to the chat and the repository without them being compressed. The maximum file size is 100 MB for PDFs and images and 500 MB for Datanorm files.

Download the folder structure as a ZIP file

When you download a folder, both the individual files and the subfolders with their respective files are downloaded. This allows you to keep the same structure locally on your device.

3. New functions in time recording ⏰

In time recording, absences (vacation, sick, education, etc.) can now also be entered on an hourly basis for several days. This is useful, for example, if the trainee was only at vocational school in the mornings all week, as in this example from 08:00 to 12:00. This function can be used on the smartphone app as well as in the office application.

Subsequent processing of working times

You can now subsequently edit the type of working time and switch between "Working time" and "Travel time".

5. Planning board: Easier vacation and shift planning 🌴

Assignments and absences can now be easily created in the lower section of the planning board with a click of the mouse. To do this, either click on a single day or hold the mouse down and drag it over several days.

A window will open in which you can choose between assignment and absence. In this example, Alexander Noll is planning a week's vacation in Mallorca.

Once created, absences can also be moved, shortened and extended using drag & drop.


As always, we hope you enjoy the new features! Do you have any questions or suggestions? Feel free to write to us:

Verbesserungen in der mobilen App 📱

Ob Kunden, Material oder Leistungen - dank plancraft alles stets griffbereit auf deinem Handy oder Tablet. Bleibe immer auf dem neusten Stand, um auch mobil bestens ausgerüstet zu sein.

Weitere Verbesserungen

Wir möchten auch die neuesten kleinen Verbesserungen in Plancraft nicht unerwähnt lassen. Diese weiteren nützlichen Verbesserungen holen das letzte bisschen an Einfachheit im Büro für dich heraus und tragen dazu bei, dass deine Arbeitsabläufe noch reibungsloser verlaufen.

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